In class today, we learned about how the camera works, how to edit, attach sounds , tittles and how to import/export videos and sounds. The camera we will be using is a Cannon. We learned how to attach the camera to the tripod and how the camera works. Behind the flip screen, there is a place to put the SD card in. There is also a silver button to press when we start or stop filming. We learned what importing, dumping, rendering and raw footage means. Importing is to take your footage and put it into the editing studio we’re using. Dumping means to take the footage from the SD card and put it onto your computer. Rendering is when all the aspects you made to your film get put together and become one. Raw footage is your takes without any editing on it.
We learned how to edit in pinnacle studios. To import the videos, you have to put the SD card into the reader and plug it into the computer. Put the videos into a separate folder and the put it into pinnacle studios. Don’t put the video directly into pinnacle studios from the camera, it might not save correctly. If you can’t find your videos from the camera, check AVCHD folder and look for stream. Open pinnacle studio and click new movie. Take your imported videos and put them in to pinnacle studio. Pull the curser to where you want to cut it from and hit the razor that says split clip. Make sure the yellow box is around the part you don’t want. Right click on the clip to speed up, slow down or reverse the clip.
AV track 1 is for titles, AV track 2 is for the videos, AV track 3 is for the music. To attach sound to your clip, detach audio. To detach audio, right click on the clip and hit separate. Delete the audio you don’t want. Do the same for the audio you except take the video and delete it. To make a tittle scene, go to the “T” symbol. Click ok and enter what you want the tittle to be. Let it load and move it to track 1, it will load again there. Add motion and effects on it by right clicking. Finally, to save, go to file and hit save as. Name the title and save to your file. To export it, save it as an MPEG4, make sure it’s marked as best quality. Save it as the title the teacher wants and click ok. Minimize pinnacle studio and watch your movie to make sure everything is ok. If it is, hit exit on pinnacle studio.
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