Wednesday, March 18, 2020

filming blog 3

As you, hopefully know, there is a pandemic going on at the moment. Due to this, I am unable to film. Everyone in my group's parents are paranoid about them getting the virus. They have also closed school for a month at the time of writing. This has affected our filming schedule majorly. We will try to meet up, even if its only for a half hour. Since I didn't check out a camera, Ive decided to film on my phone. I also have editing software on my computer that I can edit with over this break. Tons of movies productions have been stopped or postponed due to the coronavirus. Movies such as Black Widow, A Quiet place 2, Mulan, F9, and many more.  Some of the actors in those films already have the virus, luckily, none of our actors have it. But, we all relate to production of our movies being stopped. A quiet place 2 was supposed to come out tomorrow, at the date of writing, but will not be, due to movie theaters being shut down. Luckily, the movie had already been made and was coming out the following day when it got its premiere cancelled. All though this virus is limiting our movement, we will do everything in our power to keep filming. Though the movie production may have been completed, the release has been postponed. I can relate to that because me sending my movie to cambridge is like the release of the movie. When we get the chance to film, we will take it, though that would probably be slim. None of our, my group and I's, parents are really letting us meet up. Even the actor's parents are. And, as stated before, this will put our production behind schedule. We wont let this virus slow us down though, we will keep trying to work as hard as we can.

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